Monday, 30 December 2013

Happy New Year! - Cairns Australia / January 2014

The queens speech 2013 promoted quiet contemplation balance and spiritual reflection

Happy New Year Wellness Warriors!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you well for 2014. May it bring peace and love to one and all.

I have been very excited of late - I feel great things in the air - energy shifting. The queen sounding very 'cosmic' and right-on in her speech on Christmas day (I have never really considered myself a royalist but I loved some of the queens speech this year)- talk of Transcendental Meditation on the mainstream news here in Australia today (click HERE for more information about this - I meditate twice a day and it has changed my life!)- a general push in all domains towards healthier eating/lifestyle  - having some tear jerking feedback from my last post about slowing down - seeing my students eyes glowing and sparkling after a yoga class = magic moment - looking up at the sky and knowing that all is well.

Big love to you all

Mounira x

Ps Look out for my next blog post which will be about creating your own little health retreat at home! I'll be giving lots of hot tips on how to detox safely through yoga and a health retreat plan that you can do at home so watch this space.

Monday, 23 December 2013

In Praise of Slowness - Cairns Australia / December 2013

A beautifully relaxed summer yoga class with my fantastic students learning sarvangasana. December 2013 Australia.
“There is more to life than increasing its speed” Gandhi

Howdy Wellness Warriors!

Time-sickness is common ailment in today’s society especially at this time of the year when it's so easy to get swept away with Christmas-mania. We are constantly ‘catching up’ with people and squeezing in as much activity into what little time we perceive we have ready for the ONE BIG DAY (?!) Don't get me wrong I love a bit of Christmas cheer but we do need to keep a reign on it all! So I thought I'd give you all a little reminder to SLOW DOWN and ENJOY...........mmmmmmm.

We sometimes gloat about how fast we can go on CVs for job interviews and how much we can get done; describing ourselves as ‘able-to-adapt-to-fast-paced-working-environments’ or ‘highly dynamic’. There is  however a gnawing disconnect between what we want and what we can realistically have; which feeds the statement ‘there just aren't enough hours in the day’. Many of us are chasing our tails constantly in a frenzy of dynamic activity - Yes you know who you are ;-) 

Our relationship with time is breathless – literally; shallow breathing is synonymous with time-sickness anxiety panic attacks stress and disconnection. Our breath connects our inner and outer life and helps us to feel “whole’. I’m guessing by the simple fact that you are still reading this article that you know what this breathless frenzy feels like; low level adrenaline running constantly and an inability to take a deep breath which feeds us with life and prana!

So what can we do about it? Join the slow revolution perhaps? Fear not wellness warriors! There is an official revolution happening – there really is! It’s called the Slow Movement; the slow revolution that has its origins in Italy; home of long lush siestas wonderful drawn out lunches and endless discussions about parmigiano gelato and spatzle – oh and of course and romance!  What could be more satisfying? Check it out here. And before you start to worry - the slow movement isn’t inhabited by luddites who want to escape the modern world, live in cave and forage for nuts and seeds for the rest of their lives either. It’s about normal folk like you and I wanting some balance and quality in life god damn it!

In my opinion slow is beautiful - fast can be beautiful too though (I know what you are thinking and rightly so my friends) – speed can be ecstatic in fact – riding a fast car, buzzing on the awesomeness of a great big city; but just not all the time! We need ‘time-variety’ and the slow movement is all about balance and that's why us yogi's love it!

On a more serious yogic and cosmic note there is the theory that speed = escape. Escape and distraction from our own mortality, pain, death, desolation, loneliness; the fear and harsh reality that we only have limited time on this beautiful planet with our dear ones. And the idea that spiritual (whatever that means to you) development/mother nature has its own, often ‘slow’ pace. We cannot accelerate enlightenment however much we try; enlightenment and connection to the life force often (but not always) happens when we are slow still and quiet – in meditation or prayer. The Quakers go silent, the Buddhists retreat into silence, Sundays were traditionally the day to slow down, be quiet and reflect etc etc. And of course yoga practice can help us to do the same.

I had a very busy life in London (until recently); working long hours - long commute etc. To counteract this I meditate twice a day, eat really slowly (chew my food properly) and try to make an effort to be conscious in everything I do. I try to slow down and connect with the people giving them my full attention. I try to do one thing at time (‘The Myth of Multi- Tasking’ will be a future blog post to look out for) in a calm and relaxed way – soaking up all the sensations that the task requires whether it be eating, cooking,  making love, talking daydreaming etc. And like a child I try to do things in an unhurried way with a sense of wonder. I relax as much as I can and have lots of down time. Doing ‘nothing’ is SO under rated – it’s the time of dreaming, imagination and allowing the subconscious to play; this is what feeds our soul and I can’t emphasise this enough. I try to go with my own rhythms as much a possible........oooooooo.......bliss.
How to slow down

  • Make your mantra - ‘I have all the time I need and I am moving forward’ Say it act it out believe in it and it will begin to happen; you will begin to feel it!

  • Breathe – Pranyama (Sanskrit) in yoga is all about increasing or elongating the prana which is the life force by using the breath. Try alternate nostril breathing. (Contact me if you wish to learn this breathing technique and others. They really work – I’m offering FREE online or face to face 121 yoga sessions!) Or simply just lie down in savasana and breathe deeply focussing on the breath for 10-20 minutes a day.

  • Yoga poses/asanas – There are many yoga poses that induce relaxation. Please click here.

  • Go at your own pace – Try this. It is an opportunity to see what moves you literally. Sit still and don’t move until something (an activity that you feel like doing) literally MOVES you! It’s all about getting to know yourself and your own flow. When you feel moved and that one activity has come to its natural end then move gently organically onto the next without any time restraints – find your own speed/flow! Set aside some time for this; go into your zone and be fully conscious.

  • Learn to say no - Learn to say no set your boundaries and give yourself the time you need. Especially at this time of the year when there can be so many family demands. 

So all the best wellness warriors - have a wonderfully relaxed Christmas. I hope these tips help to remind you all of what you already know but have perhaps forgotten to practice lately! Take it easy - take it slow and look after yourself! Keep in touch.

Mounira x

To help you slow down why not attend The Daintree Yoga Retreat February 8th-9th 2014 Queensland Australia. For all details please click HERE.

If you wish to learn yoga meditation relaxation visualisation and breathing techniques then do contact me. I’m offering FREE introductory 121 sessions online or face to face.

07811 699 335 UK mobile

0432 432 801 Australian mobile

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

I'm back................Melbourne Australia / December 2013


You have probably been wondering why I started my blog in August 2013 and then went all quiet........or maybe not!! Either way I'm back now after an operation and raring to go.....and I really really did allow myself ample time to heal which is SO important (3 cycles of the moon in fact) -  most people underestimate the amount of time it takes for our beautiful bodies to recover from surgery and anesthesia. I was gentle and kind and here I am feeling good again now. Plotting and planning the next phase of life here in the tropics in Australia and then Japan.

I'll hopefully be running classes events and workshops in Cairns Townsville Melbourne and Japan before arriving back in the UK in April/May 2014 so look out for information and share share share! Get involved and FOLLOW ME BY EMAIL for all updates.

All the best and take good care of yourself over the Christmas period. Be good most of time; take time out for you and have a little of what you fancy ;-) ........but not too much..........he he.

Mounira x x x

Ps I LOVE to hear from you so please do drop me a line! I was recently contacted by an old friend who is tree surgeon asking me advice about yoga exercises for his aching back and neck. I am putting together a few sequences for him to help which I'm so happy to do. Can I help you with something? Do you have a question for me? Ask away please.......